
double trouble

i am finally done with my training for horizon, and am now an official "ramper." its so nice to have a consistent schedule now, even though i wake up at 4:00 am to be at work by 5:15 am, im done at 11:30 am, and ive got the rest of the day to myself... to get done whatever it is that i need to get done. i work friday, saturday, sunday and monday. (i traded my thursday morning shift with a guy for his monday afternoon shift... giving me a "double" on mondays)

so monday i worked my first double... i saw the sun rise from the ramp, and i saw the sun set from the ramp. 13.5 hours! my uncle larry is a mail-man and he's been getting up that early for years and working many shifts that long or longer... larry, you the man. thats tough, the reason it was probably so tough for me was because even though i tried going to bed at 10 pm... i didnt get to sleep until 1:00 am... (thats 3 hours of sleep o tizzle). so it will take my system a while to adapt to the new sleeping pattern.

im really happy with my job right now... we will see how much i like it, when i am deicing planes for 6 hours in 19 degree weather :) 



Daniel McDowell said...

aaron, it takes a person of great character and discipline to wake up at such early hours in the morning. you are a stud. megan, i am sorry you have to suffer through what daniel suffered through the past year, but just be thankful you are the one that gets to stay in bed :) love you guys and miss you!!


- Ryan Flynn Photography - said...

hey at least people compliment you on getting up early. I get up at 3:30 for work, and no one even talks to me then :( haha jk. i can recommend you some good herbs to make you go to sleep earlier. yes, they are legal.

amanda said...

a message from my dad...

aaron, i'm real proud of you. don't worry, you get used to doing it and i always remind myself why i do it....to be able to get and do things for the ones you love.

-uncle larry

Owen Thompson said...

I just read this, Aaron. Thanks for the shout out... 3 hours a night is brutal, I'm glad you are adjusting to earlier evenings! I am reading a puritan named John Owen right now, and he was known to "allow himself" only four hours a night for all the years he was in college. He said later in life that he really had regrets about that, so just be sure and avoid making it a habit :) Catch you soon, OT