
guten tag

well i managed to get out of Seattle, switch planes in Copenhagen, arrive in Austria, get a map of Austria, take a bus to the train station, find the right line to take to the hostel... get off at the right stop, walk around several blocks trying to find Geblergasse Street, arriving at Hotel Geblergasse in Vienna, 19 hours after leaving my house in Bellevue, WA. I am still a bit tired, and i really cant believe that i am over here, it is just now starting to sink in. i am not sure how much i will be writing on this thing, but i am hoping a couple of times a week, (It is nine hours ahead here, 12:oo am saturday to be exact) i will get some pictures up tomorrow. i take a train out on sunday to Schladming, where the school is, Tauernhof. Dinner on sunday is our first official function... its cool being in vienna for a few days, but i really just want to get things going...

gute nacht

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carol gibbs said...
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